“Sex (Positive) at Work”?

A Workshop about Sex Positivity at Work

“Sex (Positive) At Work”

Design Thinking is really good in innovation with a bias to action and to ignite change. 
Sex- and body-positive communities are really good in co-creating safer spaces. 
One needs a safer space to be innovative and creative. 
So let's put these two together. 


In last the premier of the progressive “Sex (Positive) At Work” workshop we made the magic happen and co-created such a magical safer space. 

A lot of work and effort went into preparing this workshop. From the title and safer space etiquette to every little detail. Like spicing up simple exercises like team building with awareness and non-violent communication aspects.

We spent five hours together co-creating safer spaces. We were using mindfulness exercises in addition to the well-known energizers to give space to the vulnerability. Vulnerability that we held collectively. We learned how we feel our boundaries, communicate them and hear them by using exercises from the sober sex- and body-positive communities. And Design Thinking methods, such as Speculative Design, translate what we learned to real-world challenges.

As a facilitator, I want to acknowledge that this would not have been possible without the energy every person brought to this space. A big thank you to all participants and to the generous person who provided us this space.

I believe at the basis of co-creating transformation in our society lies vulnerability. 
To be in spaces that appreciate vulnerability. 
To be in spaces where we can learn. 
To be in spaces where others can be vulnerable, too. 
Let’s co-create these safer spaces and integrated what we learned into our every day (working) life! 🌿

Join the next workshop to learn how to overcome the tensed-up feeling in a meeting because there was no space for vulnerability: Learn how to co-create safer spaces 🙌 https://lnkd.in/dXnGFKBy 

Much Love 🌈 and looking forward seeing you in the next workshop 🌱

#team #workshop #workshopfacilitation #innovation #mindfulness #work#designthinking #change #society #transformation #teambuilding#cocreation #coaching #holistic #awareness #violentfreecommunication#communicationskills #communication #berlin #boundaries #sayno#speculativedesign #saferspaces #multidisciplinary #progressive#creative #innovative #gamechanger #sensibilisation#diversityandinclusion #diversityequityinclusion #diversity#diversityinclusion #genderequality #empowerment #empower #consent#thankyou #love #energy

Originally published on LinkedIn


TEDx Speaker Coaching


Speaker and Artist at ImpAct Conference